Check out Jim’s fly tying video showing his Hemingway Golden Stonefly as part of his Beginner series. Great video. Watch, try yourself, share. Thanks, Jim.
To tie Jim Misiura’s Hemingway Golden Stonefly, you need the following:
- Hook: Curved Shank #8 – #12, Hemingway’s H118 Hooks
- Thread: Veevus 14/0 in Light Cahill
- Body: Hemingway’s Tube Body Attractors in Yellow
- Legs: Hemingway’s Soft Stonefly Nymph Legs
- Underwing: Hemingway’s Stonefly Wings
- Wing: Elk Hair
- Start by threading the tube body on the hook all the way to the end, leaving a bit of space just behind the eye.
- Place the hook with the body on the vise.
- Start wrapping the thread, start right behind the eye and go all the way to the edge of the body.
- Add a little bit of cement on and then slide the body back into the position.
- Secure the body with a few wraps of thread.
- Trip off the extra rubber material from both ends of the legs.
- Put the legs on top of body, using the little channel to fit them snugly ( you can put some super glue on the body before putting the legs on top).
- Wrap the legs, securing them on top, adding a few wraps between middle legs. End the thread between first and second legs.
- Take stonefly wings, one by one, using the tie-down tab at the end, position the straight side of the wing to the outside and secure it with thread. Repeat with second wing. Do a few cross-overs around the front legs to secure them well.
- Take some elk hair, about 3/4 of of the length of the wings, cut it off, remove loose hair and put it in a hair stacker.
- Pull it out of the hair stacker so the curve of the hair points down.
- Size it, keeping it to about the middle, wrap them on carefully around the front legs, bring the thread in front of the legs.
- Pull hair back and wrap it right at front, tying it securely.
- Finish it off with a whip finisher.
- Grab the hair on the head carefully so you do not grab the legs, using scissors trim it on an angle.
- Put some head cement to the bottom and….you’re done!
Try tying this great fly yourself! Give us your comments down below. Share photos of your Golden Stonefly pattern or fish caught with this fly on our Facebook page.