CDC Quill Emerger


The CDC Quill Emerger is a versatile fly pattern renowned for imitating the delicate emergence of aquatic insects. Its effectiveness spans various fishing scenarios, from delicately presenting to rising fish to mimicking insect activity in riffles and seams. Whether on rivers, streams, or still waters, this pattern shines during insect hatches or when fish are actively feeding near the surface. Utilize a gentle casting approach to ensure accurate placement and a natural drift, enhancing your chances of enticing even the most selective trout. It comes in three colors: Natural, Olive, and Yellow, and hooks #14 to #16. See the description below for more fishing techniques.


SKU: 100-030102 Categories: , Tag:

CDC Quill Emerger - Natural
100-030102H14-01NaturalHook #14 US$3.00
CDC Quill Emerger - Natural
100-030102H16-01NaturalHook #16 US$3.00
CDC Quill Emerger - Olive - Classic Dry Flies
100-030102H14-02OliveHook #14 US$3.00
CDC Quill Emerger - Olive - Classic Dry Flies
100-030102H16-02OliveHook #16 US$3.00
CDC Quill Emerger - Yellow
100-030102H14-03YellowHook #14 US$3.00
CDC Quill Emerger - Yellow
100-030102H16-03YellowHook #16 US$3.00

CDC Quill Emerger

The CDC Quill Emerger is a versatile fly pattern that mimics the emerging stage of aquatic insects, making it highly effective in a variety of fishing situations.

Presentation Technique: The CDC Quill Emerger is typically fished as part of a dry-dropper rig or as a single dry fly on the surface. It’s designed to imitate the vulnerable stage of insects as they emerge from the water’s surface. When casting, focus on presenting the fly delicately to rising fish or in areas where you’ve observed insect activity.
Where to Use It: This fly pattern excels in rivers and streams where trout and other species feed on emerging insects. Look for riffles, seams, and slow-moving water where insects are likely to hatch and fish are actively feeding. It can also be effective on lakes and ponds, particularly during insect hatches or when fish are targeting emergers near the surface.
Casting Technique: When casting the CDC Quill Emerger, use a delicate presentation to avoid spooking wary fish. Aim for accuracy and precision, placing the fly gently on the water’s surface to mimic the natural drift of an emerging insect. Consider using a reach cast or slack line cast to achieve a drag-free drift and natural presentation.
Overall, the CDC Quill Emerger is a go-to pattern for imitating emerging insects and fooling selective trout. Its realistic profile and natural movement make it a must-have in any fly angler’s arsenal, particularly during insect hatches and when fish are rising to feed on the surface.

This pattern comes in three colors: Natural, Olive, and Yellow, and hooks #14 to #16.


Frosty Fly


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