From Corey’s QEE (Quick, Easy & Effective) fly tying tutorial series comes our next video: Guide’s Hare Ear Nymph. This is a variation of a hare’s ear pattern that is super easy and quick to tie. It’s simple, yet effective on the waters. With this pattern you can fill up your fly box fairly quickly. Based on the specific variation of the species in your area, you can vary the size of the fly, color of the dubbing, hackle color, use different feathers…
- Hook: barbless scud hook, size 10, we recommend Hemingway’s H122 Shrimp & Pupa Micro Barb Hooks
- Weight: 3/16th tungsten .25 lead-free wire
- Thread: 8/10 Uni red
- Rib: Pearl Flashabou
- Collar: Hungarian Partridge
- Body: Hemingway’s Hare Dubbing, Brown color
- Tail: pheasant tail
Quick, Easy & Effective (QEE) fly tying tutorial series from Corey Cabral are guide-style tutorials for tying flies that work and catch fish consistently! Patterns that can be tied in under 5 minutes, that are easy to tie and that catch fish. Stay tuned, more to come!
Try tying this great fly yourself! Give us your comments below. Share photos of your Hare’s Ear Nymph flies or fish caught with this pattern on our Facebook page.
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Happy tying & tight lines!