We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee and provide no-hassle, simple and easy returns. If your order is not right, or you are not happy with your purchase for any reason, let us know and we'll make it right. You can return an item for an exchange or a refund within 30 calendar days from the date you received it. Please note that you need to send the item in the original packaging. You will also need to provide an original invoice as proof of purchase.
Please notify us via our contact form (or by sending us an email to contact@frostyfly.com) regarding your intention to return/exchange an item. Please include your name, order number, order date, name of the item that you would like to return (including its color/size), reason for your return, and indicate if you would prefer a refund or an exchange. For an exchange, please indicate the replacement item(s).
We will notify you of the address where the item should be sent back. Once we receive and inspect your returned item, we will email you to let you know the status of your refund/exchange. If approved, we will proceed to refund it or exchange it.
If you have indicated that you want a refund, we will initiate a refund to your original method of payment. You will receive a credit within a certain amount of days, depending on your card issuer's policies. Please note that for a refund, we will issue a refund for the full value of the goods returned, excluding the shipping charges. Shipping charges are not refundable.
For detailed information, please check our no-hassle returns policy.