One more in Jim Misiura’s awesome fly tying tutorials, his terrestrials series – this time it is a No-Tie Chartreuse Hopper. Follow his easy-to-follow steps and instructions and get yourself an effective hopper that will produce some good action on those warm summer days. Thanks, Jim for sharing.
- Hook: Maruto Terrestrial Curved Shank Fly Hook c41, size #12
- Thread: Veevus 6/0 Thread in Fluo Green
- Body: FrostyFly Realistic Hopper Body (Jim used Small size)
- Legs: FrostyFly Realistic Hopper Legs 3D (Jim used Small size)
Try tying this great fly yourself! Give us your comments below. Share photos of your Chartreuse Hopper or fish caught with this pattern on our Facebook page.